Strengths of CBFCS

Spiritual Benefits

  • Prayer is taught and modeled by example.

  • Students learn scriptures and how to apply them to real life.

  • Bible knowledge is taught and memory work is a priority so that students can say: "I have hidden your word in my heart..." Psalm 119:11

  • Serving others with a grateful heart is encouraged and modeled.

  • Discipleship is demonstrated by staff members who live for God each day.

Social & Emotional Benefits

  • CBFCS offers a positive and supportive environment to students. Although we are not free from difficulties, we do teach and expect students to honour God's standards as they relate to teachers and classmates.

  • Character building is emphasized through citizenship, morals and virtues. We believe that who our students are becoming (character) is just as valuable as what they know (academics).

  • Good behaviour and self-control is expected and enforced to maintain a fun, safe and healthy learning environment for all students and staff. There is a code of conduct for Gr. 5-8 students.

  • Positive relationships are key to academic success. Student-bonding and mentoring between older and younger students is highly valued, as well as the relationship between teachers and students, as well as teachers and parents.

Academic Benefits

  • Academic excellence is promoted and encouraged for every student. Students must attain a minimum of 60% to pass. Students must achieve an average of 85% in all core subjects (math, science, language arts, social studies and Bible) to be on the honour roll. An average of 90% or higher is required to receive distinction.

  • CBFCS has a strong grammar and language arts focus

  • Small class sizes in multi-grade classrooms are maintained to offer more one on one teaching between students and teachers.